The Prophetic Daughter’s Olive Branch is a snapshot into my life as I learn to follow, lead, and love like Jesus through encouragement, equipping, testifying, and living out a revivalist lifestyle. I love the word of God, love to think and wrestle through all I am learning and experiencing. Each step of the journey I have been on has taken me into a deeper level of freedom, healing, understanding, and love for the triune God but it also has revealed that I have a lot more to learn and discover about God.
Here on the blog you can expect a variety of topics from testimonies of what God has been doing in my life, what I have been learning thru church, ministry, and studying the word of God, about the books I have been reading, the projects I have been working on. There will probably be photos of nature, water, and food. I will share the music that is blessing and challenging me and all the ways I am finding to be thankful.
I hope you will join me on this journey. Community – whether face to face or online helps strengthen and provides needed support on this journey we call life.